Dates, to Treat Hypertension Might Add

Are you looking for Dates, to Treat Hypertension Might Add? Yes you are on the right website, because at here you will find lots of inspirations, ideas and information about Dates, to Treat Hypertension Might Add. We have some interesting recommendations about what you are looking for and the following are our recommendations.

Goo health - Although the date is not a fruit native to Indonesia, the fruit has been popular among our society. However, whether the benefits of date palm fruit as popular as those from the Middle East know this?
"There are many benefits that can be obtained from these dates," says nutrition expert from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Prof. Dr. Hardiansyah MS, to

According Hardiansyah, dates are rich in potassium content. This substance is able to suppress the sodium (salt) is common in patients with excessive hypertension. "Patients with hypertension should eat lots of potassium, because there are a lot of sodium in his body," he said.

To meet the potassium a day, up Hardiansyah, we consume enough fruit just as much as 5 dates. "By eating that much, other than potassium needs are met may also control blood pressure and helps the muscles work," he said.

He further said that based on a study, at the dates there is a type of hormone called oksitasin. "There are several benefits of this oksitasin, which helps expedite the delivery, increases milk production, and improve sexual performance for both women and men," said Hardiansyah.

Besides, he added, potusin substance which is very helpful in healing wounds was also present in dates. This is interesting because it is associated with wound healing in women who had just given birth. "The sooner the wife recovered bound to make her husband happy," he said jokingly.

Do not stop there, dates can also treat those who are sick anemia and dengue fever. Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or amount of hemoglobin (oxygen carrying protein) in red blood cells is below normal. "Dates can help increase hemoglobin to normal numbers," said Hardiasyah.

As for patients with dengue fever, which decreased the number of platelets or platelets, can also help restore the condition by eating this fruit.

According Hardiansyah, to increase hemoglobin and platelets, a date better be consumed in juice form. Date palm fruit weighing 500 grams blended with 1 liter of water. Drink one glass every hour or two, depending on level of need. "Dose increasingly reduced if conditions improve," he said.

Lastly, this miracle fruit also contain sililiat, a substance normally found in aspirin. This is what makes people who eat dates helpful in improving the brain works. "It also can help reduce pain, reduce the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease," he said.

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