Sex Can Relieve Headaches

Are you looking for Sex Can Relieve Headaches? Yes you are on the right website, because at here you will find lots of inspirations, ideas and information about Sex Can Relieve Headaches. We have some interesting recommendations about what you are looking for and the following are our recommendations.

Goo health - If the headache is attacked, it would do anything to be uncomfortable. Head-senut senut, tense neck muscles, sometimes the eyes are also sore. Some people apply a different treatment. There is a direct swallowing headache medicine, installing patches on his neck, sleep, and so forth. But if the headache is often the case, medications such as what to do? 
Acupuncture Perhaps, this is the most popular treatments that you already know. "Acupuncture is running a mind-body connection and to help patients cope with pain," said Dr. Traci Purath, MD, Medical Director at the Comprehensive Headache Care, Wheaton Franciscan Medical Group in Franklin, Wisconsin. Some needles will be inserted at specific points in the neck, forehead, and cheeks, to divert the pain. The needles are very thin and flexible so you will not feel it penetrating the skin. After diakupunktur, he said, patients will usually feel the relaxation in the whole body. The body feels light, and you are so nice to sleep. 

Sex You never say no to sex of the husband by reason of dizziness? Maybe you need to change the strategy because sex can actually eliminate the headache! "Natural endorphins, hormones and painkillers are released when you have an orgasm, which will help you to relax and calm," said Dr. Purath. However, this effect will quickly pass. So you should still prepare a painkiller that your usual consumption. 

Sport If your headaches occur regularly, perhaps this time you should make exercise part of your lifestyle. "When you move around, you increase your stamina, reduce stress, and sleep more soundly," said Jan Brandes, MD, assistant clinical professor in neurology, Vanderbilt University. "The harder the training, jogging, brisk walking, or swimming-growing reduced pain, "he added. But if you suffer from migraines, exercise routine can actually make it worse. 

Water This is the actual recipe you already know all along. Drink 8 glasses of water every day because dehydration is a major cause of headaches. "When the body does not have enough water, your body will begin to retain fluid that has been stored, and find different ways to tell that the body is dehydrated (with a headache that)," said Dr. Purath. As soon feel a headache, get to drinking lots of water. However, not to excess; excess fluid can reduce the levels of electrolytes and sodium in your body. 

Snacking Hunger also often cause you a headache. Unfortunately, you often do not realize that your stomach is empty because it was too busy working. When the body does not get food intake, blood sugar levels will drop, causing you to experience hypoglycemic headaches. That is, the body starts demanding food intake. Eat snacks that are crunchy, like apples, will soon relieve pain, and helps blood sugar levels back to normal. Avoid snacks such as candy bars, to replace the blood sugar because it will only make you demand more, according to Dr. Purath. Food that is not recommended is because bananas bananas actually trigger headaches. 

Caffeine Besides being able to drive sleep, a cup of coffee in the morning also has other benefits. A number of caffeine may help control headaches. It was explained Dr. Brandes. In addition, caffeine can also help the body to absorb the treatment of migraine with better through the stomach lining. Caffeine can also control the pain of headache attacks by narrowing the blood vessels. Nevertheless, for some people caffeine actually cause headaches. So, consume with caution.

Sleep Not all people have the luxury to be able to sleep 8 hours a day. Sleeping less than 8 hours is what often causes headaches. Our bodies need sleep (uninterrupted) at least 7 hours a day to refresh and replenish itself so that the pain disappeared. Dr. Purath advised to stick to a regular sleep schedule and wake up at the same hour every day. Sleeping too much or less, even if only 1 or 2 hours, can trigger a migraine. 

Biofeedback Biofeedback is done by monitoring the body's response to pain, and examine the ability to control feelings so that pain can be arranged. The electrodes are attached to the forehead, forearm, and neck (areas that are most strained during the headache occurs), then linked to a monitor so you can see the muscles are stretched. Soon, the brain will remember how the muscles contract, and tried to relax. This session should be done 6-8 times in order to obtain results.

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